Monday, March 2, 2015

Tales of Phantasia: Not the game!

Ah, Tales of Phantasia, few games ring that nostalgic bell quite like this one...the game lives on in the hearts of eve........oh what am I doing, you all know about this anime already. BUT NONETHELESS.

WHAT IF a story as grand as ToP could be an anime!? WELL IT IS, GOT IT!? Now your turn, pretend you are excited and that this is news. Just...give me this one, okay?

If I could travel through time, would I spend all of my time trying to be a hero? Would I valiantly battle the evil time wizard and be known for just being awesome all the time? Probably not, I think I would use time travel more efficiently. SUPERSIZE THAT MEAL OTAKU SOUP, IT WON'T BE AROUND FOREVER!! I imagine myself saying. So you can imagine that fast food is the only reason I am not a time hero. Yup, that must be it.
Tales of Phantasia: The Animation

Episodes: 4

Age Rating: Teen 13+ (mild violence)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
HERO TIME!!! Time hero. Same difference.
Tales of Phantasia tells the story of a group of five heroes (and Suzu I guess), and their epic, valiant battle with the mighty demon king Dhaos. Our protagonist and co must travel back and forth through time, gathering everyone, and everything necessary to thwart this threat to humanity. Why are they doing that you ask? Well because he is bad and stuff, right? Well THAT... is for you to decide.

Just in it for the review? Click Here!

Who are these brave warriors who will combat this apparent evil, you ask?

I am concerned by the lack of blood on this sword.
Cress Albane/Cless Alvein (Protagonist)

Likes: Mint, protecting others

Dislikes: When people are upset

Skills/Hobbies: Swords

Misc: His first sword is really...interesting.

Cless as I have chosen to call him is a bit of an..uninteresting character. On one hand he is your typical hero, stalwart, defend everyone, save the world, knight's armor, "warrior class" the whole 9 yards, but I dunno, the anime just kind of made him seem...weak. He relies very heavily on the assistance of his team, and you know, that is fine, but at the same time, I have a really hard time buying that he is the hero. Yeah, he can use a sword, and use it well, but compared to some of the other characters, I just wasn't impressed. On the upside, that does add realism to his character, except that they don't treat him as kind of weak, he is, well... the hero.

Don't stare at me please..
Mint Adenade / Minto Adoneedo (Adnade)

Likes: Peace, helping people, Cless

Dislikes: Seeing others in pain / distress

Skills/Hobbies: Healing

Misc: Doesn't get more good guy-ey than Mint!

If Cless is the warrior, then mint is certainly without question the gentle priest/cleric that stands forever at his side, ensuring that he never least not for realsies. Mint has been through a lot but still holds her head high, ever honing her healing abilities, because harming anything would be horrible in her eyes. She is about as sweet as a good guy can be, and above everything else, just wants everyone to get through this whole ordeal safe and sound (except Chester, it seems, since she never heals him for some reason). Nurse!

Oooooooh...Can we have some fun now!?
Aache Kurain / Arche Klein

Likes: Mischief, flying, a challenge, boys,  

Dislikes: Discrimination, easy fights

Skills/Hobbies: Magician

Misc: She's a pervert. I am pretty sure of it.

Arche is a half elf, which is regarded in the anime as a human that can use magic. OH NO! In ToP this is for some reason an issue as they are not accepted too graciously by either humans, or elves. Arche must sadly deal with this discrimination throughout her life even though she has done the world so much good that she is considered a legendary hero. Despite this she is always in high spirits, mischievous, playful, and fun to be around. Arche is an incredible magician and can use a vast array of spells to lay waste to pretty much everything, including the ever amazing INDIGNATION!!! Oh, right, and she shows signs of attraction to all the male main characters. Don't worry Arche, you will find love someday!

Claus F. Lester / Klarth F. Lester

Likes: Books, Summoning things, learning

Dislikes: Being lied to by a pretty face

Skills/Hobbies: Reading, teaching.

Misc: I suspect he might be clumsy.

Klarth is the sort of person who is wise beyond his years. Spending all of his time either studying or teaching has honed his mind to be far, far sharper than his age would indicate. Overall he is a very calm, very patient person, and wields unreal power in the form of summoning. Though powerful, his summons do however take a lot of time to prepare, so if he is left unprotected, he is basically useless. Luckily with a group like his, this isn't an issue, and he is well protected while he summons a very, very large amount of badassery to smite anyone who poses any kind of threat. He also sports that hat of his like a beast.

Aselia is a pretty big place, especially when you factor in time travel. So if you want to meet the rest of the incredible people there, you will need to take a trip!


Plot - 6.5/10

Okay, right out of the gate, I get what this anime is trying to do. It can really only be one of two things. A little gift for the people that have already played the game, or a sort of....go play this game sort of deal. The plot is really, really good, don't get me wrong, but the anime leaves out a LOT of stuff that is in the game, and though I was lucky enough to have someone I could consult about the intricacies of the game, there were still a lot of questions left at the end. I mean a lot. The ending was pretty awesome, but felt rushed at the same time, and it just left me hating the fact that I never beat the game as a kid. I mean seriously. I wouldn't even recommend you watch this unless you have played the game to SOME extent before.

Sound - 7/10

Okay, for one thing, this anime will forever be known as the one that made me have to change my music section to "sound" The music was good. I enjoyed it quite a bit and from what I remember, it was pretty faithful to the game... However, it did not really make me feel anything, and I consider that a fail overall, no matter HOW pleasant it was to the ears. Still though, some of it WAS pretty awesome. The sound, ugh, I had issues with it. Three sounds in particular just hit my ears wrong. The bow draw fire twangy noise, the enemy stabbing noise, and for the holy love of hell, the sword unsheathing. I don't recommend any sheath that sounds like it is made out of cloth, not to anyone.

Voices (Dubbed) - 5.5/10

Okay, already have an issue here. Hearing mint talk just grated on my ears in such a way that I was tempted to end the episode early. Cless did a little better, but his voice was kind of...he didn't put enough into it. When he did, he came across as well, not a hero. I know I said he was weak, but you didn't need to drive that point home like that. He kinda does that on his own, he didn't need the help. Klarth, Arche, Dhaos, Mars, Chester were all voiced....okay. I didn't really hate their voices, and I think Klarth and Chester were actually pretty well done, but still. I also hated that the English dub straight up changed the personality of some of the characters as well. *cough* (Arche)

Voices (Subbed) - 8/10

Luckily, what in English made me cringe, had me on the edge of my seat in Japanese. Though not the BEST subbed voices I have ever heard, I have to admit that I found Mint and Arche's voices to be adorable, Cless to be suitable to the character, and Klarth to be sufficiently awesome. Put everything into the voices, and you can bring an entire world to life.

Art - 7/10

Well, the art was...The best example of hit and miss every, really. On one hand, the character designs and spell designs were top notch. I was impressed by the energy that went into all of the summons, the summoning circles, the spell circles, and the spells themselves, and the characters were brilliantly brought to life. The enemies in the anime were...well to be blunt, there just wasn't enough variety. The backdrop and the world also seemed a little lazily done, often opting for hazy shots, long periods of flashing spell lights, etc. the end result was a world that, even though you know in your heart it is pretty big, felt a little bit small and undefined.

Characters - 7/10

Well, the bottom line here is, I love the characters, I wanted to spend a LOT more time getting to know more about them, but well, time passed too quick, and you really didn't get a detailed look at anyone in any kind of profound way. This was a shame. Once again, they want you playing that game. At the same time, you just kind of know that depth is there, and that's why you WANT to play the game, to learn more, and know more about these characters that in such a short period you suddenly grow to love.

Overall - 7.1/10

Now, overall as you can see this anime got a pretty average rating, but don't get me wrong here, it was incredible... If you have already played the games. If you haven't you are probably going to hate it. The last thing people want is to end an anime going "Huh?" The sad truth is, you probably will if you don't know the story behind the games. I sort of hate that they went this route, but I get it at the same time. For those of you who have already played it though? This re-imagining of the story through the scope of an anime is a wonderful treat to add to an already incredible series. Go play the game, then come back and watch this one.

Mystek Cannon power:  Too much, tone it down, guy.
The anime:

Tales of Phantasia: The Animation
Awesome picture in lieu of clever joke.
I was trying really hard to think of something clever to say, but Arche and Klarth insisted that I have already done quite enough damage, so tail between my legs, I will slink back to my little corners of the internet. Don't you worry. I am everywhere.

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Thanks to Gogotaku who would agree that you should never chant indignation at a police officer. Next time summon sylph, they could probably get you off the hook.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

We are back!!! Update, Plans, Hiyokoi!

I bet you thought this blog was dead. Huh. WELL YOU ARE WRONG

The holidays are done, the procrastination is done, and now that the dust has settled, it's time for.... an update!

1. A close friend and I have started a Youtube channel, (Anime/Games) WOW! Link will be at the bottom of the page

Why is that news? I know It seems like alllllll we do is let's plays! Well that is going to change, because now my reviews will be available in a video format as well! Of course the videos will be a wee bit different from what you might see here, but that is because I am a strange fellow. That being said, everything I have reviewed on the site is also going to retroactively have a video made of it. On that note, one is actually done! Out of the gate, but I now have a writing and recording schedule which should help improve both how frequently I update for you guys over here, and for you guys over there as well.

And our first ever anime review issss....

MM! ~ The review!
2. Not doing challenge accepted anymore, tut tut, that isn't to say I am not gonna watch horrible, random, insane, chaos having, brain melting anime, just that the standard sequence will no longer be a factor, it will just come as it comes, since I do not back out of an anime when I watch it.

3. Site changes:

a. The image board that nobody new existed now no longer exists, it simply wasn't necessary.

b. Same for the chat box

c. I added a forum to the site, discuss anime, make suggestions, do other things, it is neatly embedded on the page when you smartly click "forums!" or whatever the crap I titled that button

d. Probably some other stuff I forgot. If you have any suggestions email me at or or leave a comment in the forums!




When I was younger, I always felt like I was pretty shy. I didn't really like the idea of going to school, or being around people, but then again.. I never..

That's a locker.
Okay, So she is shy. Is that the theme of an entire anime? Yes.


though to be fair I don't suppose I could pull off the skirt with a blazer and whatever the hell kind of shoes those are look..


Episodes: 1, 3 mini specials

**WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS!?** Yes. Don't bother looking for more, it doesn't exist.

Age rating: Teen 13+ (for some reason)


Tags: School, Slice of life, Shoujo


 Hiyokoi centers around a young girl who is absolutely the shyest, most adorable person in the world.
Teen 13+ ?

Following a severe accident, she is not able to attend her first year of high school late into the year. Being as scared as she is of people and social situations in general, returning for her is a nightmare. During her terrified attempt to greet her class properly, a strange boy enters the classroom late, rudely interrupting her introduction. The worst part? She sits right next to him.


Just in it for the review? Click Here!

And class 1-4 sure is an interesting group of kids!

Shhh... She knows you are staring.
Nishiyama Hiyori (Protagonist), Hiyo-rin, Hiyo

Likes: Ritsuka, Hiding, Hiyoko ('chicks' baby chickens..not girls)

Dislikes: Social situations, rudeness, self introductions,getting measurements taken

Skills/Hobbies: Studying.

Misc: She is 140cm tall. Also has a little hiyoko (baby chick) on her head sometimes (not real), I think her animal avatar. Its name is Piyo-chan, but I don't think this is addressed in the anime.

Hiyori is teeny tiny, you know, like..a baby..chick... and that's sort of her thing.  Unfortunately being as small as she is, she is often the recipient of unwanted attention. If I had to guess, it's not that she really dislikes people, she wants to not be as shy as she is, but that is a pretty big hurdle to jump, especially when you aren't even 5 feet tall. She has her eyes set on Yuushin, and strives to both be like him, and maybe some day, even be with him. I guess that sort of spoils the mysterious plot summary huh?

Yay Hiyori! YAY!!! YAAAY!!! YAY!!! yay.
Nakano Ritsuka, Ric-chan, Ri-chan,

Likes: Hiyori, bunnies

Dislikes: Do not mess with Hiyori, I'm serious. She will murder you.

Skills/Hobbies: Archery, Cooking

Misc: In the manga, she is in love with someone.

Ritsuka is a headstrong sort of character who above any and everything is Hiyori's best friend, and has been since kindergarten. She cares for her more than anyone, and would sacrifice anything to see that her friend is happy. She also tends to cry like a parent at Hiyori's successes, and cheers her on the whole way when she tries to overcome an obstacle. It is very seldom she puts herself first.

If you smile, good things will surely happen.
Hirose Yuushin
Hirose Yuushin

Likes: People, sleep, food, skipping class

Dislikes: None covered in the anime really, but here are some things from the manga: Dating (at first) people who are mean to Hiyori, people talking about his relationship with an old friend.

Skills/Hobbies: Very charismatic. Skipping class.

Misc: Most certainly not a mecha-otaku, 190cm

Yuushin is the polar opposite of Hiyori, because of course he is. Standing at 190cm, he is a giant. He is also extremely social, on a first name basis with almost everyone, forgoing standard "use the last name" rules that Japan usually has. Everyone in turn refers to him by his first name (with the exception of Hiyori, who refers to him as Hirose-kun. He is also one of the nicest people Hiyori meets, even though initially seen as rude. He just wants to laugh and smile, and in turn, for the world to do the same.

There are plenty more friends to meet in class 1-4, but you need to watch the anime to meet the rest of them. C'mon, don't be lazy, it doesn't get much shorter than one episode and three mini episodes.

 Plot: 3/10

Well, here is the the thing. With one episode, and 3 specials, there just isn't enough time to really develop one, they let it go long enough for you to get the idea, but that's about it. The anime and specials are really mainly there to get you to read the manga, which you should if you like shoujo, because really, its awesome and adorable

Music: 6/10

Well, it does what it is supposed to do, but really that is about it, rather unremarkable overall.

Voices (Subbed): 10/10

Nailed it. I find it funny because Taketatsu, Ayana is the person who voiced Hiyorin, and she was also the voice of Mio in MM! and her shrill voice was the cause of a slight nick in the rating for that voice over section, despite being most of the perfection in this one. For this anime I read the manga first, and as such I was ready to be highly critical of the voices, but they were simply perfect. Everyone was perfect, and sounded exactly as I imagined them. I also have to hand it to the actors and actresses in the three special episodes, as they sounded extremely similar to the ones from the single episode anime version, though I can't help but wonder why they didn't just use the same people.

Art: 8/10

Because shiny.
The art style for this anime was pretty adorable and certainly faithful to the manga, there were a few artistic choices I would have changed. The character and scenario art was very vibrant, and in some cases that simply worked, other times I felt like things were maybe just a little TOO bright, but at times that just worked.
overall, I was impressed.

Characters: 8.5/10

Internal dilemma!!! The characters themselves would normally get an easy 10, I love them. I love everything about them. The issue is that again, with such a short time to get a story across, you don't really get to know the characters the way you do in the manga.

Overall: 7.1/10

Well, it is rare that I compare an anime to its manga counterpart. There is a reason for this, its because I fully understand that when there is an anime adaptation to a manga, it's going to have differences, and that is to be expected. In this case, the adaptation was meant to exactly follow the manga, and well, it did. The first chapter that is. The specials cover a lot further into the story, summing it up to the fireworks festival in about 5 minutes. All in all its nice to see them bring life into something I love, but its simply too short. If you don't read the manga, you will be left with nothing but questions. That right there is the issue, I feel that the anime and specials exist for the sole purpose of selling the manga, which I get because it is really, really great, but still. Make the rest of the story an anime already.

Adorability: 43122dacx@#!/~!@###Ax

My meter broke
The anime:

Hiyokoi (The single episode)

Hiyokoi specials (1, 2, and 3 all in one video)

Normally I don't do this but you knew this was coming, the manga: Hiyokoi (Manga)

Heads up, the manga isn't fully subbed yet, but it is still worth your time
Don't look here. I am not right here.
-Looks around frantically- Well crap. Hiyori is missing again. I suppose I should go look for her, knowing that girl she is probably in some cupboard somewhere, I will go look, you check these places:

Anime/Games on Youtube (Still us, I swear)

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Thanks to Ashley, who would happily take Piyo-chan's place on Hiyori's head if she could. So would I Ashley, so would I.

Huh!? nonononononononono