The holidays are done, the procrastination is done, and now that the dust has settled, it's time for.... an update!
1. A close friend and I have started a Youtube channel, (Anime/Games) WOW! Link will be at the bottom of the page
Why is that news? I know It seems like alllllll we do is let's plays! Well that is going to change, because now my reviews will be available in a video format as well! Of course the videos will be a wee bit different from what you might see here, but that is because I am a strange fellow. That being said, everything I have reviewed on the site is also going to retroactively have a video made of it. On that note, one is actually done! Out of the gate, but I now have a writing and recording schedule which should help improve both how frequently I update for you guys over here, and for you guys over there as well.
And our first ever anime review issss....
MM! ~ The review!
2. Not doing challenge accepted anymore, tut tut, that isn't to say I am not gonna watch horrible, random, insane, chaos having, brain melting anime, just that the standard sequence will no longer be a factor, it will just come as it comes, since I do not back out of an anime when I watch it.
3. Site changes:
a. The image board that nobody new existed now no longer exists, it simply wasn't necessary.
b. Same for the chat box
c. I added a forum to the site, discuss anime, make suggestions, do other things, it is neatly embedded on the page when you smartly click "forums!" or whatever the crap I titled that button
d. Probably some other stuff I forgot. If you have any suggestions email me at or or leave a comment in the forums!
When I was younger, I always felt like I was pretty shy. I didn't really like the idea of going to school, or being around people, but then again.. I never..
That's a locker. |
though to be fair I don't suppose I could pull off the skirt with a blazer and whatever the hell kind of shoes those are look..
Episodes: 1, 3 mini specials
**WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS!?** Yes. Don't bother looking for more, it doesn't exist.
Age rating: Teen 13+ (for some reason)
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Scaaaary... |
Tags: School, Slice of life, Shoujo
Hiyokoi centers around a young girl who is absolutely the shyest, most adorable person in the world.
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Teen 13+ ? |
Following a severe accident, she is not able to attend her first year of high school late into the year. Being as scared as she is of people and social situations in general, returning for her is a nightmare. During her terrified attempt to greet her class properly, a strange boy enters the classroom late, rudely interrupting her introduction. The worst part? She sits right next to him.
Just in it for the review? Click Here!
And class 1-4 sure is an interesting group of kids!
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Shhh... She knows you are staring. |
Likes: Ritsuka, Hiding, Hiyoko ('chicks' baby chickens..not girls)
Dislikes: Social situations, rudeness, self introductions,getting measurements taken
Skills/Hobbies: Studying.
Misc: She is 140cm tall. Also has a little hiyoko (baby chick) on her head sometimes (not real), I think her animal avatar. Its name is Piyo-chan, but I don't think this is addressed in the anime.
Hiyori is teeny tiny, you know, like..a baby..chick... and that's sort of her thing. Unfortunately being as small as she is, she is often the recipient of unwanted attention. If I had to guess, it's not that she really dislikes people, she wants to not be as shy as she is, but that is a pretty big hurdle to jump, especially when you aren't even 5 feet tall. She has her eyes set on Yuushin, and strives to both be like him, and maybe some day, even be with him. I guess that sort of spoils the mysterious plot summary huh?
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Yay Hiyori! YAY!!! YAAAY!!! YAY!!! yay. |
Likes: Hiyori, bunnies
Dislikes: Do not mess with Hiyori, I'm serious. She will murder you.
Skills/Hobbies: Archery, Cooking
Misc: In the manga, she is in love with someone.
Ritsuka is a headstrong sort of character who above any and everything is Hiyori's best friend, and has been since kindergarten. She cares for her more than anyone, and would sacrifice anything to see that her friend is happy. She also tends to cry like a parent at Hiyori's successes, and cheers her on the whole way when she tries to overcome an obstacle. It is very seldom she puts herself first.
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If you smile, good things will surely happen. Hirose Yuushin |
Likes: People, sleep, food, skipping class
Dislikes: None covered in the anime really, but here are some things from the manga: Dating (at first) people who are mean to Hiyori, people talking about his relationship with an old friend.
Skills/Hobbies: Very charismatic. Skipping class.
Misc: Most certainly not a mecha-otaku, 190cm
Yuushin is the polar opposite of Hiyori, because of course he is. Standing at 190cm, he is a giant. He is also extremely social, on a first name basis with almost everyone, forgoing standard "use the last name" rules that Japan usually has. Everyone in turn refers to him by his first name (with the exception of Hiyori, who refers to him as Hirose-kun. He is also one of the nicest people Hiyori meets, even though initially seen as rude. He just wants to laugh and smile, and in turn, for the world to do the same.
There are plenty more friends to meet in class 1-4, but you need to watch the anime to meet the rest of them. C'mon, don't be lazy, it doesn't get much shorter than one episode and three mini episodes.
Plot: 3/10
Well, here is the the thing. With one episode, and 3 specials, there just isn't enough time to really develop one, they let it go long enough for you to get the idea, but that's about it. The anime and specials are really mainly there to get you to read the manga, which you should if you like shoujo, because really, its awesome and adorable
Music: 6/10
Well, it does what it is supposed to do, but really that is about it, rather unremarkable overall.
Voices (Subbed): 10/10
Nailed it. I find it funny because Taketatsu, Ayana is the person who voiced Hiyorin, and she was also the voice of Mio in MM! and her shrill voice was the cause of a slight nick in the rating for that voice over section, despite being most of the perfection in this one. For this anime I read the manga first, and as such I was ready to be highly critical of the voices, but they were simply perfect. Everyone was perfect, and sounded exactly as I imagined them. I also have to hand it to the actors and actresses in the three special episodes, as they sounded extremely similar to the ones from the single episode anime version, though I can't help but wonder why they didn't just use the same people.
Art: 8/10
Because shiny. |
overall, I was impressed.
Characters: 8.5/10
Internal dilemma!!! The characters themselves would normally get an easy 10, I love them. I love everything about them. The issue is that again, with such a short time to get a story across, you don't really get to know the characters the way you do in the manga.
Overall: 7.1/10
Well, it is rare that I compare an anime to its manga counterpart. There is a reason for this, its because I fully understand that when there is an anime adaptation to a manga, it's going to have differences, and that is to be expected. In this case, the adaptation was meant to exactly follow the manga, and well, it did. The first chapter that is. The specials cover a lot further into the story, summing it up to the fireworks festival in about 5 minutes. All in all its nice to see them bring life into something I love, but its simply too short. If you don't read the manga, you will be left with nothing but questions. That right there is the issue, I feel that the anime and specials exist for the sole purpose of selling the manga, which I get because it is really, really great, but still. Make the rest of the story an anime already.
Adorability: 43122dacx@#!/~!@###Ax
My meter broke
The anime:
Hiyokoi (The single episode)
Hiyokoi specials (1, 2, and 3 all in one video)
Normally I don't do this but you knew this was coming, the manga: Hiyokoi (Manga)
Heads up, the manga isn't fully subbed yet, but it is still worth your time
Don't look here. I am not right here. |
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Thanks to Ashley, who would happily take Piyo-chan's place on Hiyori's head if she could. So would I Ashley, so would I.
Huh!? nonononononononono |
the manga is really good!!!